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Business depends on all kinds of applications, often including external systems owned by partners, suppliers, and vendors. Value is realized when applications integrate seamlessly with each other.

There are multiple challenges to consider when it comes to application integration.

  • Applications have multiple interfaces (mobile, web, desktop, or no interface at all) and APIs to connect and integrate to
  • Applications have multiple data sources and even different formats
  • Applications may be a collection of smaller services that run anywhere
  • Applications can be hosted in the cloud, multiple clouds or on-premise datacenters

Organisations can connect applications in the cloud or on-premise through APIs, workflows, messaging, and events using the right integration pattern for the task.

Azure Integration Services provides the components to facilitate common integration patterns and includes the following services:

  • Logic Apps - to schedule, automate, and orchestrate tasks, business processes, and workflows when you need to integrate apps, data, systems, and services across enterprises or organization
  • API Management – to expose data and services to employees, partners, and customers by applying polices, such as authentication/authorization, caching and usage limits
  • Event Hub - to manage the routing of all events from any source to any destination
  • Service Bus – to provide highly-reliable cloud messaging service between applications and services, even when one or more is offline.

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