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A DevOps approach enables organizations to develop, deploy and improve products at a faster pace than they can with traditional software development approaches.

But DevOps is not just a product – it requires a culture of collaboration that is critical for DevOps to be successful.

Microsoft is a great example of company that had to make big changes in development practices to evolve from shipping box products every three to four years, to a cloud company with a new delivery cadence of every day.

There are two Microsoft DevOps offerings in this space – namely Azure DevOps & GitHub. We now have a single engineering team driving the future of both products.

In DevOps – we often discuss the inner and outer loop. The inner loop is the iterative process that a developer performs when they write, build and debug code.

The outer loop is the build / deploy / monitoring and then driving the plan for subsequent development, and includes Application Health / Performance Monitoring. The Microsoft offering in this space is Azure Monitor (Application Insights provides application monitoring, Log Analytics provides infrastructure monitoring).