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Infrastructure as Code

Im not an infra person and the 'IaC' Bicep language is new to me. How can I create the infrastructure to run my API?

Create bicep file

  • Create a new folder called infra and inside that create a file called appservice.bicep.

  • Ask Copilot Chat the following:

I am new to bicep.
I want a single bicep file that deploys both an Azure App Service and an Azure App Service Plan.
I want the Windows free tier .
  • Check you are happy with the suggested Bicep content and if so, then copy into appservice.bicep and save.


Deploy bicep file

  • Bring up terminal command prompt.

  • Create an Azure Resource Group.

az login
$RG = "colorsapi-rg"
az group create --name $RG --location "uksouth"


  • Ask Copilot Chat the following:
How do I use the Azure CLI to deploy the Bicep file 


  • The response from Copilot Chat explains how to use the Bicep file. Using this advice to understand the command needed, create the App Service / App Service Plan.
az deployment group create --resource-group $RG --template-file infra/appservice.bicep --parameters appName=$AppName appServicePlanName=$AppPlanName

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We can now see that our infrastructure has been deployed.

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We can now deploy our API App to the App Service.