Infrastructure as Code
Im not an infra person and the 'IaC' Bicep language is new to me. How can I create the infrastructure to run my API?
Create bicep file
Create a new folder called
and inside that create a file calledappservice.bicep
. -
Ask Copilot Chat the following:
I am new to bicep.
I want a single bicep file that deploys both an Azure App Service and an Azure App Service Plan.
I want the Windows free tier .
- Check you are happy with the suggested Bicep content and if so, then copy into
and save.
Deploy bicep file
Bring up terminal command prompt.
Create an Azure Resource Group.
az login
$RG = "colorsapi-rg"
az group create --name $RG --location "uksouth"
- Ask Copilot Chat the following:
How do I use the Azure CLI to deploy the Bicep file
- The response from Copilot Chat explains how to use the Bicep file. Using this advice to understand the command needed, create the App Service / App Service Plan.
az deployment group create --resource-group $RG --template-file infra/appservice.bicep --parameters appName=$AppName appServicePlanName=$AppPlanName
We can now see that our infrastructure has been deployed.
We can now deploy our API App to the App Service.