Develop API WebApp
The objective is to create an API WebApp for handling color objects.
Scaffold the basic solution
Lets use GitHub Copilot Chat to help scaffold a basic API WebApp. The better the prompt, the better suggestion returned by GitHub Copilot.
From the previous section, we have already started VSCode and opened an empty folder.
Ask Copilot Chat the following.
I want to create dotnet 8.0 project usinng webapi template - also need a MSTest unit Test project.
I need a project reference from Test project to API project.
The files should be called "Colors".
List together the dotnet commands to scaffold a solution.
Response will be something like this :
# Create a new solution
dotnet new sln -n Colors
# Create a new Web API project
dotnet new webapi -n Colors.API
# Create a new MSTest project
dotnet new mstest -n Colors.Tests
# Add the projects to the solution
dotnet sln Colors.sln add Colors.API/Colors.API.csproj
dotnet sln Colors.sln add Colors.Tests/Colors.Tests.csproj
# Add a project reference from the test project to the API project
cd Colors.Tests
dotnet add reference ../Colors.API/Colors.API.csproj
- Within VSCode open up terminal. Use the commands suggested by Copilot Chat.
- Notice the files created. Two projects (API and Test).
- Open Solution file - use F1
.NET Open Solution
- Open
- remove existing Routes & Model (things to do with weather).
We now have our basic API skeleton code - we shall now add the logic for our Colors API.
Add Data model
We first define the schema for our ColorsItem object:
Ask Copilot Chat the following
Create colors model called ColorsItem to include a name and hexcode.
- Insert code into
Switch back to
Ask Copilot Chat the following:
Intialize a list of ColorsItem with "red", "yellow", "black"
- Insert code into
Add API routes
- Ask Copilot Chat the following:
using ColorsItem - create two API routes.
First - an API to return all colors.
Second - an API to insert a new color.
im using .NET 8 minimal APIs
You can also prompt using an inline comment
//add a route to return a random color
- Hit
to accept the suggestion. Or useAlt [
andAlt ]
to view alternatives.
Add Utility function
Wwe shall now add some logic to validate the hexcode passed in the API call to add a new color.
Create file
and add code . -
Ask Copilot Chat the following.
I want a new static class called ColorUtilities.
I want a ValidateHexCode function using Regex - add to static class ColorUtilities.
- Insert code into
- Irrespective of the code suggested, for lab purposes only check for 6 character hexcodes - we will fix this later.
string pattern = @"^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6})$"; // 6 character
string pattern = @"^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$"; // 3 or 6 character
- Try this inline comment:
// function to test for shade of red
Switch back to
. -
Add Hexcode validation to the Insert new Color route . Might need encouragement / prompting to use our validation utility function.
// hexcode validation
Run the API WebApp
Our API code is now complete
- Use F5 to run the application.
Use the Swagger UI to test the WebApi
Get all Colors.
Add a new color - use valid hexcode.
Add a new color - use invalid hexcode ... check for error status code.
Get a random color.