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Understand the codebase

General programming conversations

Within GitHub - we can use the Copilot Chat Assistant to ask general questions about "Code and programming" - or pose questions related to a specific GitHub repository .

  • Select the Copilot icon (top right).

  • There is a link for General purpose Chat.

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Lets understand more about a specific repository

  • Select a repository.

Index repository

We can improve the response quality by indexing the repository.

  • If not Indexed - then press the Index button. This action displays a message "Copilot is indexing this repository. This may take a few minutes."

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Ask questions about repository codebase

  • Enter a question to learn more about the code stored in the repository.

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We can make the chat conversation full screen:

  • select the three dots and the option Take conversation to immersive.

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Ask questions about repository activity

We can include questions about issues, pull requests, commits and releases.

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